The Build Your Chest

The BUILDING  Ur chest takes two exercises - the one for you're muscles, one for your ego. Ego- Builder is an easy choice, bench press, which has long been the standard of strength. The muscle-builder is a bit of a surprise. “Flies build your chest muscles faster than any other  exercise, including presses, because they work mostly the pectorals,” says Dave Pearson, Ph.D.,  C.S.C.S.,  of Ball State University. Of course, flies bring no brag- ging rights at all. That’s why this four- stage program  starts off with both exercises. Then at the intermediate and ad- vanced levels, it becomes a bench-press pro- gram that will give you a one-repetition maximum far beyond anything you’ve ever thought you’d lift.

Over Mission :
  1. The Beginner - Accustom your body to the basic movements, and increase the strength in your chest.
  2. The Advanced beginner and Intermediate - Rapidly increase  the size and strength of your chest muscles.
  3. The Build pure strength for improved bench-press performance.


Frequency: Do these exercises as part of a total-body of exercise. (If you haven’t been lifting weights for a weight workout three  times a week.while, follow this program for the first few weeks after.

Rest: 1 minute between exercises you return.)  It’s usually time to move on to the return.

Advanced Progress: Increase weights each week.Beginner workout when you can’t increase  the weight.

How long: Follow this program for your first 4 to 8 weeks from one week to the next.


Frequency: Do these exercises as part of a total-body can lift once with good form. Warm up with two sets of weight workout three  times a week.six to eight slow repetitions using light weights, adding

Technique: Increase weights on each set. weight on the second set. Then do one-repetition sets

Rest:  2 minutes between sets with increasingly heavy weights, resting 2 to 5 minutes Progress: Start each exercise with a heavier weight between attempts, until you hit a weight you can’t lift. each week.

How long: When your strength and muscle size stop
Variety: After 3 or 4 weeks, determine your one-repeti-improving, or when you have the time and energy to dot ion maximum on the bench press—the most weight you more exercises, move to the next level.


Frequency: Divide your workout into two sets of exercises: have the confidence to work with heavier weights.
one for the chest, shoulders, and arms; one for the back,

Variety: After 3 weeks, rotate the exercises. Substitute legs, and abdominals. Perform each workout twice a week. dumbbells for barbells and vice versa. Return to the

Technique: Warm up with two slow sets of eight to 10 original exercises after 3 more weeks, but change the bench-press repetitions. Use more weight on the second order, doing the inclines before the flat bench presses. set, but don’t make these preliminary sets too challeng-Overtraining alert: To avoid injury and burnout, keep ing. Then start each exercise with the heaviest  weight exercises for smaller muscles to a minimum during this you can use for eight to 10 repetitions. Drop the weight stage. Do just one additional exercise for shoulders (the slightly for subsequent sets if you need to.lateral raise is a good choice), one for biceps, and one for the return.

Rest:  2 minutes between sets, including the warmup sets triceps. Or you can skip triceps work altogether, since the Progress: Increase the weights each week. On dips, add presses and dips will give those muscles plenty of incen- up the repetitions you’re able to do in your three sets, and tive to grow.
try to add at least one more dip to your total each week.

How long: Train like this for as long as you’re satisfied Safety: Use a spotter on each set of barbell flat bench with the results. If you really want to improve your bench- presses. You’ll be able to do more repetitions, and you’ll press performance, move up to the Advanced program.

 Build Your Chest
 Build Your Chest
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